Our Team of Inspiring Pilates Instructors

Have you ever wondered what motivates our instructors to teach Pilates? What are their stories and backgrounds? How did they discover the benefits of Pilates for themselves and others? In this series, we will introduce you to our amazing team of Pilates instructors and share their inspiring journeys.Ā 


Margarita - Pilates Instructor

After 12 years of working for an Environmental company and sitting at the desk for 8 hours a day, I started to notice how it was impacting my body and my spine. I couldnā€™t see myself doing the same job for the rest of my life so I decided to enroll myself in a Pilates Course and see where it takes me. My goal was to change my lifestyle and do what I really love and believe in for work.Ā 

Fun Facts...

Becoming Obsessed!

After completing a Mat course and learning the benefits of Pilates and practising it in my own body I became obsessed and decided to further my studies. I love learning about different movements, apparatus and the benefits Pilates has to offer. Ā 

My Pilates Vibe

What do I want you to get out of a class?

I want to help you find the best movements for your body. And have you walk out of each class thinking ‘that was amazing, can’t wait for my next class’!

Qualifications & Training
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