Focusing on What Rachel Needs Each Class

“I love everything about Move Move!”

Meet Rachel a project manager, 47 from Brighton

How long have you been coming to Move Move?

Iā€™ve been coming to Move Move for I think about four years and seeing Lou and doing Pilates for probably over eight years in total.

Whatā€™s your favourite class at Move Move?

Thatā€™s a super hard question because I love them all. Maybe Tower would be my favourite. I like that you get that combination between a mat class and a reformer class, chuck some studio classes in there as well ā€“ so yeah, probably Tower.

woman doing a tower pilates class

What do you love most about Move Move?

I love everything about Move Move. I think our instructors are fantastic, the clients are awesome, itā€™s got a really good feel about the studio, thereā€™s a lot of fun, but we also get a lot of really good work done. Itā€™s a great place to improve.

Why do you keep coming to Move Move?

Definitely the variety of classes. I think I like that I can choose to pick a class where I know Iā€™m going to work really hard and get a good workout, or if Iā€™m feeling a bit niggly, I can do a studio class and work on a particular part of my body or I could learn something new.

What would you say to someone thinking about trying Move Move?

Definitely give it a go. Youā€™ve got nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain, so get yourself in here.

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