Lou’s Moves – November 2015

This month Iā€™m doing Move for Movember ā€“ 30 moves in 30 days. My goal is to do one Pilates session each day. So far so good!

Iā€™ve rediscovered some old favourites this month, so Iā€™m sharing them for my top 5.

  1. ScooterĀ ā€“ an epic reformer exercise that always hits the spot. AddĀ pulses and heel lifts for that extra burn.
  2. Ab Curls ā€“ on the mat, with a band, on the tower, standing, on the barrel ā€“ thereā€™s so many options to spice up the basic ab curl.
  3. Around the World ā€“ loving the tower version of this move with the roll-down bar, great for abs, spinal mobility & an awesome side stretch on each rep.
  4. Footwork on the Tower ā€“ using the push-thru bar with springs from below makes this a challenging series. Love working the different foot & leg positions.
  5. Elephant ā€“ on the reformer, looks deceptively simple. Love the challenge of getting the butt/abs to work at the right time.

Iā€™m just over half-way through my Move in Movember challenge and am sure Iā€™ll rediscover even more oldies but goodies as the month progresses.

Move Move Pilates Studio

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