Move of the Month – June 2016

Each month at Move Move we set ourselves aĀ Move of the Month Challenge. Throughout the month we focus on mastering that move. Sometimes our Move of the Month is just one move, other times it maybe a series of moves. But our aim is to progress in some way.

Our Move of the Month for JuneĀ isĀ Push-Ups.Ā From the classic mat version that incorporates a roll-down & plank to variations using the wall and reformer weā€™ll be trying them all.

Here are a few of my favourite ways to mix up a basic push-up:

  • Use a wallĀ ā€“ if you struggle with push-ups on the floor, start with wall push-ups. Start standing straight and as you improve move your feet further away from the wall taking more weight into your arms.
  • Triceps ā€“ wherever youā€™re doing your push-up a narrow hand position to start and focus on angling your elbow back more will challenge your triceps. Good-bye batwings!
  • On the ReformerĀ ā€“ kneeling with hands on the footbar, move the carriage away from the stopper. Mix it up with different springs ā€“ light will challenge your abs and stability, heavier will put more focus onto your chest. Like the wall push-up you can change the angle ā€“ just move the carriage in or out.

Wherever youā€™re doing your push-ups this month, remember that the first rule of push-ups isĀ shoulder stability. Focus on getting your shoulders in a good position and maintaining it throughout the move.

Move Move Pilates Studio

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