Scooter – Move of the Month – Dec 2016

Each month at Move Move we set ourselves aĀ Move of the Month Challenge. Throughout the month we focus on mastering that move. Sometimes our Move of the Month is just one move, other times it maybe a series of moves. But our aim is toĀ progress in some way.

We wanted to end the year on a high note so theĀ Move of the Month for December is ScooterĀ (cue groans from all of our regular clients who love to hate this move!). If youĀ do this move rightĀ youā€™ll definitelyĀ know where your butt musclesĀ are! Itā€™s almost like ourĀ Ultimate Butt ChallengeĀ rolled up into one move!

Look out for someĀ new variationsĀ on this throughout the month, including a version that doesnā€™t use the Pilates Reformerā€¦

The key to a good Scooter is remembering that it is supposed toĀ work your buttĀ notĀ the front ofĀ your thighs. Make sure you have yourĀ weight into the front heel. Focus onĀ using your buttĀ to move the back leg out.

Pilates Scooter

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