Getting back into the Pilates Habit – Move of the Month – Feb 2017

Each month at Move Move we set ourselves aĀ Move of the Month Challenge. Throughout the month we focus on mastering that move. Sometimes our Move of the Month is just one move, other times it maybe a series of moves. But our aim is toĀ progress in some way.

Nothing says January like resolving to head back to Pilates.Ā But whether you merely paused your fitness regimen for the holidays or youā€™re committing to regular exercise for the first time in months, it can beĀ tough to get back on track. Before you know it,Ā February has crept up on youĀ and you have still not got back into that exercising habit.

Itā€™s all about simply getting your foot out the door andĀ reminding your body how good exercising feelsĀ so here are a few tips to help you get back into a regular exercise routine.

  • Start with somethingĀ easy.
  • Making it fun, makes it easier.
  • Buy some new workout clothes ā€“ the excitement to show off your new gear will definitely get you back to the Pilates Studio.
  • Get anĀ exercise buddy, or two.

The moreĀ consistentĀ you are with your exercise routine, the easier it is to form healthy habits.Ā Once itā€™s a habit, exercising will be part of your daily life.

A first progressive step should be toĀ integrate a couple of days of flexibility workoutsĀ in order toĀ increase blood flow and circulationĀ while assisting in range of motion and joint mobility. A perfect exercise for this is ourĀ Move of the Month ā€“ Scapular Isolations.

Remember it isĀ all about the shoulder bladesĀ and not the elbows!

Lying on your back, arms reaching to the ceiling with palms facing each other. Start with your shoulder blades neutral, gentlyĀ widen between the shoulder bladesĀ (your arms will move towards the ceiling). Bring them back to neutral. GentlyĀ bring shoulder blades towards each other. Bring them back to neutral.

Once you have mastered this, try the same movement in other positions.

Getting back into the Pilates Habit

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