The Move Move Pilates Blog!
Or as we like to call it, the big bad blog of happy, happy, joy joy!

The Trap of Experience!
The trap of experience. Does being more experienced at something mean you have to make it more complicated or can you delve deeper to understand more?

Ultimate Butt Challenge – Move of the Month – Oct17
Each month at Move Move we set ourselves aĀ Move of the Month Challenge. Throughout the month we focus on mastering that move. Sometimes our Move

Pilates Ab Curl – Move of the Month – Sep17
Master the basic Ab Curl this month and reap the benefits in all your Pilates Classes. How can something that looks so simple be so hard?

Pilates One Leg Circle – Move of the Month – Aug17
This month we’re going back to our Pilates roots with the One Leg Circle. Get your legs moving and reap the benefits of this classic Pilates move.

Balance – Move of the Month – Jul17
How good is your balance? Can you stand on one leg with your eyes closed? Join us for a month of balance at Move Move.

Pilates Ankle Press – Move of the Month – Jun17
Give your feet some well-needed TLC this month with our Move of the Month – Pilates Ankle Press.

Pilates Bridge – Move of the Month – May-17
Are you a stiffy or a floppy? The Pilates Bridge and Spine Curl moves are here to give you wht you need.

The Pilates Elephant in the Room – Move of the Month – Apr-17
Each month at Move Move we set ourselves aĀ Move of the Month Challenge. Throughout the month we focus on mastering that move. Sometimes our Move

Pilates Footwork – Move of the Month – Mar-17
This month we’re focusing on Pilates Footwork. Often just viewed as a warm-up exercise, it’s actually so, so much more.